Monday, April 6, 2009

Ticket count

I must have completely screwed the pooch on the last count for the Booker T and The MGs show. Based on my current count, they have 986 tickets available for sale. Which would mean they somehow magically added 97 tickets or I can't add. Let's figure on the latter.

So, about those tickets...

Of course, the concert is a good two months away. Commercial coverage for FestivALL hasn't started and they're not really pitching anything to the media -at least, nobody is pitching anything to me, but maybe they don't have anything to announce. This could be it. All I've heard about so far for FestivALL is the Buddy Guy addition to Mountain Stage. It's nice, but not something to pump your first about and yell woo-hoo. It's more like, "Well, Mountain Stage at the Clay Center. Gee, that's going to cost at least eleven dollars more. I sure wish they could get The Flaming Lips. That would be fun and the wanker lead singer might wear those stupid antenna."

Anyway, with the Booker T tickets, maybe everybody is waiting to see if anything bigger or better comes along. Everybody is watching their money. They want to be excited. I don't think anybody is feeling it yet. At least, I'm not.


  1. The good thing about FestivAll is that if one thing doesn't excite you there are dozens of other events that might flip your switch!

  2. Which could also be said of your average county fair. "If you don't like the livestock, maybe you'll like the tilt-a-whirl." So far, it's nothing to get worked up about.
