Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You walk away, I walk away

Word from the publicist of Conor Oberst:

I'm happy to set up an interview with one of Conor's bandmates. If you'd
like to move forward with an interview, by when did you need it scheduled
and do you need any press materials?

My response:


Tough break. Just another carpetbagger rolling through. Ah well, I still love his work, particularly the one song, but he can kiss my ass.


  1. Maybe if you took the interview with the bandmate, the next time he came through (or another artist with the same publicist) you could get the main event. If you don't take it, the publicist may just think your an ass.

  2. The publicist can think I'm an ass. I think even less of her. She offered me a back-up player for a singer/songwriter -and quite possibly, whoever I got would be one of his babysitters. It's not even his usual small bunch of people, but another configuration of musicians few people have heard of. She'd have been better off saying "no."

    Besides, giving in to the publicist's bullshit toss seldom pays off later. What typically gets you better acts is being the same guy in the same place. This works for the larger name acts more than the squirrely indies who dump their management or their publicists or their record company every 9 or 10 months.

    If Oberst comes through Charleston, if he has the same publicist, I'll make sure she remembers me. If he doesn't, I'll make sure whoever knows last time we didn't get what we wanted. They would do the same.

    And I may not be finished with Oberst. I don't have a problem going around the publicist.

  3. I see your point. I guess it is better to hold out for what you want.

  4. Sometimes. Sometimes you can get something better. In this case, they weren't offering better, but a pittance meant to shake me off or appease me as "better than nothing," which it isn't.
